Are Trump Voters Irredeemable?

Reflecting on Trump voters in the midst of Donald Trump’s presidential hell-scape, my mind ping-pongs between ridicule and bewilderment. Do we risk reinforcing the notion of liberal arrogance by saying Trump voters are irredeemable? And if we already believe they are a lost cause, does it even matter? I’m not exactly sure where I’ll end up, but I’m always seeking levelheaded arguments, meaning a degree of compassion for Trump voters might yet be conceivable.

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Obama’s Presidency Led To Trump’s White Nationalist Populism

When the “Taxed Enough Already” protest signs started appearing just after Barack Obama’s first inauguration, we should have seen this coming. When those protest signs turned into a conservative political coalition called the Tea Party, we should have seen this coming. When Donald Trump presided over the “birther” freak show, we should have seen this coming.

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Donald Trump Supporters: Make America White Again

At a rally today in Ohio, Donald Trump said in response to protesters, “We cannot let our First Amendment rights be taken away from us folks.” This is an appeal to people (yes, white people) who feel persecuted. Of course, they are not being persecuted, but often people believe disagreement, particularly from an out-group, is the same as persecution.

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Sanders: Nobody Has Asked For My Birth Certificate

During tonight’s Democratic town hall on CNN, Bernie Sanders connected Republican obstructionism during Obama’s seven years in office to the birther movement led by Donald Trump. “What you are seeing today in this Supreme Court situation, is nothing more than the continuous and unprecedented obstructionism that President Obama has gone through,” said Sanders. “And this is on top of this birther issue — which we heard from Donald Trump and others — a racist effort to try to delegitimize the President of the United States.”

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