Profiting From Government Subsidy: That’s The Real Walmart

Walmart has been running a new ad campaign with the tagline “That’s The Real Walmart.” The ads started earlier this year and they are designed to trumpet career growth opportunities for Walmart “associates.” Every time I see one of these ads I can’t help but think it’s a slap in the face to the thousands of Walmart workers who have organized and protested the company’s low wages and minimal benefits. But these commercials offer a completely different message. If you didn’t know better, you’d think Walmart was the ideal company to work for. I’m sure there are positions within Walmart that pay good wages and offer adequate benefits, but what about the average Walmart floor worker? And don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to critique Walmart employees, because in this economy, with so many people still looking for work, a job is a job. I’m not judging Walmart employees, I’m judging Walmart.

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