Australian Prime Minister Delivers Articulate, Powerful Argument Supporting Marriage Equality (VIDEO)

The Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, received a question from a Christian audience member asking why Rudd changed his position on same-sex marriage. The Prime Minister’s response is just about the best smack down of Christian opposition to marriage equality that I’ve seen to date, particularly by someone of high office. But his response is much more than a rebuke, it’s an incredibly articulate, powerful and persuasive argument in favor of same-sex marriage. And the best this Christian could muster was to say “marriage is between husbands and wives, and Jesus said…” I don’t need to continue, you get the idea. Check out the video below. Trust me, it’s worth watching the whole thing.

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Who Would Britain Vote For?

Here in Europe we simply do not understand how the race for the White House between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is so close. Our media portrays Barack Obama as a solid statesman who faces opponents which are nothing more than out of touch, anti-abortionist, religious extremist fools, who are lead by a man who has spent his career hoarding gold bullion in case the system of paper money collapses.

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