Photographers Hassled By Police Might End Up On ‘Suspicious Activity Reports’

People should not have to worry about being hassled by law enforcement when they are out taking photos with their camera. But in the total fear zone known previously as the United States of America, you not only face questioning by police officers, the government might be keeping records (known as Suspicious Activity Reports) on where you’ve been and what photos you’ve taken.

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My Top 5 Most Prized Photography Gear Purchases

As both a full time Information Technology Engineer and a part time amateur photographer, you can imagine that I do enjoy my fair share of technology related toys. For the purpose of this article I will be focusing specifically on the photography gear that I most cherish. These are the items that I use again and again and I find to be indispensable to my growing passion and hobby. So let’s get right to it, in no particular order (although number 1 is pretty important)…

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Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse

Last night I braved the cold and the early morning hours to witness the first lunar eclipse that coincides with the winter solstice since December 21, 1638.  If you missed it, you will have to wait until 2094 for the next time it will happen on the winter solstice.  So, basically if you missed it last night you missed it for good!  Given that I fancy myself a photographer you would think that I would have had this all planned out but I actually didn’t even intend to take photos until I was outside looking at it and made a last minute decision to grab the tripod, camera and long lens.  And the resulting photos are a product of that last minute decision.  They aren’t horrible but they could have been much better.

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