Pew: Most Republicans Believe Poor Just Aren’t Working Hard Enough

This should come as no surprise, but a Pew study released today shows most Republicans believe you are poor because you choose to be poor. Or in other words, the poor are simply not working hard enough. This of course echoes the sentiments of Kevin O’Leary, who I wrote about yesterday. He’s the fat cat who said it’s “fantastic” that 85 people own the same wealth as 3.5 billion people (half of Earth’s population).

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NSA Spying: The Collective ‘Meh’ Heard ‘Round America (Pew Poll)

Meh - photo by Thomas HawkAmericans read about NSA surveillance of internet traffic and data mining of phone records and they responded with a collective “meh.” This blog doesn’t exactly tear it up in the page view department, but my recent posts on NSA Spying have gotten very little traction at all. And that leads me to believe when it comes to the NSA leak story, Americans just don’t give a shit.

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Millennials And Liberal Democrats Less Likely To Believe In God

A recent Pew survey reveals that 68% of Millennials, defined as those born from 1981 on, say “I never doubt the existence of God”, which is a decline of 15 points in 5 years. The “Silent” generation, those born between 1928 and 1945, did not see any change when it comes to belief in God in the past 5 years. Although I’m betting you could poll that older generation on any number of issues and rarely find much change in only 5 years.

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