Does Hillary Clinton Want To Abolish The 2nd Amendment?

It took just twenty-four hours for Donald Trump to torpedo his latest “reboot.” One day after an economic speech intended to put his campaign back on track, Trump suggested “Second Amendment people” might be able to stop Hillary Clinton from appointing “judges.” While his comment could be viewed as ambiguous in a sanitized context, it’s hardly a stretch for someone to interpret it to mean an armed uprising against a U.S. president. Even if it was just a joke, and even if we can debate the meaning, the problem is not the intent, the problem is that it was said at all.

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Washington Post Columnist Richard Cohen Gets Called A Racist

The first thing you need to know is I’m not defending anything Richard Cohen has previously written, I’m only talking about one particular column. And yes, I’m sorry my liberal friends, but I will stop and think and consider my response to a column before shooting my mouth off. Unfortunately I believe many liberals have done just that in response to Richard Cohen’s recent Washington Post article (“Christie’s tea-party problem“). Many are calling Cohen a racist, and this is the specific paragraph many liberals have focused on:

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