Donald Trump Supporters: Make America White Again

At a rally today in Ohio, Donald Trump said in response to protesters, “We cannot let our First Amendment rights be taken away from us folks.” This is an appeal to people (yes, white people) who feel persecuted. Of course, they are not being persecuted, but often people believe disagreement, particularly from an out-group, is the same as persecution.

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Why Are Middle Class Incomes Stagnant? Are We Simply Unproductive Compared To The Super Wealthy?

Would you like to make an extra $50,000, $75,000, or $100,000 dollars a year? I know I would. Would you like a yearly income of $75,000, $150,000, or $300,000? In reality, most Americans make far less than even the lowest amount I listed. In 2012, the median income in America was $51,017, which was down slightly from 51,100 the year before. The poverty rate was 15%, which is over 45 million people. For the bottom 90% of the country, wages have been flat for the past three decades compared to top percent earners who have seen their income double, triple and more.

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Deluded Forbes Author Says The One Percent ‘Should Be Awarded The Congressional Medal Of Honor’

There are occasions when you read an article by the “opposition” and you can’t help but think, “The joke is on me. You got me! This is a fine piece of satire, have you considered submitting it to The Onion?” Such is the case with a Forbes op-ed by Harry Binswanger, and the pseudo satire begins with the title, “Give Back? Yes It’s Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1%.”

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Only the ‘One Percent’ and their sympathizers oppose raising the minimum wage

I reported on Friday that over 100 House Democrats are proposing a raise in the minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.80 over the next 3 years, and then tie it to inflation after that. We know it polls high, so who could possibly be against raising the minimum wage? Could it be those noble and patriotic business owners? OK, maybe it’s not all of them but it’s safe to say most of the opposition to raising the minimum wage is comes from the “one percent” and their sympathizers in congress, otherwise known as the Republican Party.

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Supply Side (Trickle Down) Economics Doesn’t Work. Can We Move On Now?

This topic will never die on The Left Call, at least not until people stop believing the lie that is trickle down economics. This idea that we need to give rich people more money in the form of tax cuts before they will create more jobs would make for a nice laugh if it wasn’t so damaging to the country and to the prospects of income and wealth equality. And when I say equality, I don’t mean totally equal, I’m talking about getting back to something more reasonable, a time when CEOs only made 30 times the average worker instead of 300 times.

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