Here’s The Thing, Gun Nuts And Their Supreme Court Justice Cohorts Are A Lost Cause

When we talk about gun safety, yes, even the term “gun control,” what we need to recognize is that the gun nuts are a lost cause. The people who call themselves gun rights advocates, or protectors of the Second Amendment, well, they are not the minds we are trying to change. That’s what we have to acknowledge. You cannot change a closed mind. They are dogmatic. They will not be swayed. There is no argument a gun safety proponent can articulate that will permeate the impenetrable fortress that is the mind of the ideologue.

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When Police Bullets Hit Bystanders: Why The NRA’s ‘Arm Everyone’ Is Pure Madness

The National Rifle Association (NRA) and gun fanatics across America want the rest of us to believe we are a more civil society if we are armed to the teeth. If every citizen could model his or her life on the teachings of John Rambo, adopt a philosophy of “shoot first…second…fiftieth, ask questions later,” America would be a much safer nation.

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Reports Of Gun-Control’s Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Over on The Atlantic, Molly Ball has announced “The Death of Gun Control.” She says that any serious efforts on gun control ended when the Senate voted down enhanced background checks back in April. And if that wasn’t the death of gun control, the recall of two pro-gun-control Democrats in Colorado on Tuesday made it official.

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NRA, ALEC, Want You To Stand Your Ground, Wild West Style

The National Rifle Association (NRA) and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) — I just love these names — want you to stand your ground like it’s still the 19th century Wild West — unless your are black of course. I don’t see the NRA saying if Trayvon Martin had a gun he could have defended himself. What was that saying again — “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.” Was Trayvon Martin the “bad guy” because he didn’t have a gun?

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NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Says ‘We Are In The Midst Of A Once-In-A-Generation Fight’

During the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) annual celebration of gun violence (and rights), otherwise known as their national convention, executive vice president Wayne LaPierre made it clear that he believes the NRA and gun owners are in a war. “We are in the midst of a once-in-a-generation fight for everything we care about,” said LaPierre. Many of us on the left label the gun crazies as one-issue voters, and with that single statement, LaPierre has confirmed it.

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