Bernie Sanders Has Already Won

Even if he doesn’t get the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders has already won. Oh sure, his ideas have been dismissed by the mainstream media as too radical, or too idealistic. The pushback against the Sanders campaign is a feature, not a bug, of the status quo. People who are perfectly happy about the way things are going in America are not interested in entertaining proposals like Medicare for all, or free public college. Neither of these ideas are extreme when put into the context of the liberal democratic experiment we call America. But, several decades of relentless establishment droning has caused us to forget the liberal foundation of this great country.

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A Liberal Case For No Compromise In Washington

Washington D.C. - photo by Patrick NouhaillerNumerous articles on this blog have critiqued Republicans’ unwillingness to compromise. I’ve mentioned that House Speaker John Boehner doesn’t even like the word compromise. So you would think that I believe compromise is a good thing in Washington. Well, if we were dealing with two political parties that gravitated towards the center of the political spectrum, one being center-left, the other being center-right, then sure, compromise is a good thing. That’s not the make-up of Washington D.C. at the moment.

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Liberal: What Does It Mean? – The Rise And Fall Of Modern Social Liberalism

In May of 2011, I asked the question “What does it mean to be a liberal?” The question and the blog post that followed were written months before the launch of what is now called The Left Call. Apparently I was not alone in asking the question as that post from nearly two years ago is now the 3rd most popular on this blog. And because of that, I feel the need to expand.

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Mitt Romney Tax Return Scrutiny Calls Attention To Progressive Taxation

It’s quite possible the real reason Mitt Romney does not want to release more years of tax returns is that he knows it will only serve to put a sharper focus on progressive taxation in the United States. In fact he and his wife Ann have all but said that. They haven’t spelled out the specifics but they have said they won’t release more returns because it will result in more criticism.

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