Flipping A Coin On The Wrong Side Of The Tracks

On my way home, less than a mile before my neighborhood, I drive through a neighborhood at the bottom of the hill that I’ve heard passengers “affectionately” refer to as “the other side of the tracks.” Now, I would be lying if I told you this phrase, or the companion phrase, “the wrong side of the tracks,” never crossed my mind. And it quite literally is on the other side of a railroad track as well as a creek. But of course people aren’t talking about an actual railroad track, so you have to ask yourself, what makes it the wrong side of the tracks?

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GeoCities: The World Wide Web Is Under Construction Again

Get ready to transport yourself back to a time when people used shiny plastic discs to listen to music — when connecting to the internet required a series of obnoxious squealing tones — and when it seemed everybody had an “under construction” web page on GeoCities. Ah yes, GeoCities, the now defunct service that allowed you to carve out your little space on the world wide web in one of many predefined “neighborhoods.” GeoCities users were official known as “homesteaders.” — It was such a quaint time in the history of the web.

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