Republicans Behaving Badly: Tennessee Representative Uses Bible To Justify Starvation

Rep. Stephen FincherIn the never-ending chronicles of Republicans behaving badly, Tennessee Representative Stephen Fincher uses a Bible quote as his shield. I guess in Fincher’s warped mind he is absolved of any guilt because he is only carrying out the wishes of God. I mean, it’s printed in the Bible. It’s supposed to be the word of God. And it’s REALLY old! And it’s written in English no less!

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The Most Intrusive Government Of All

Goldwater for President - Barry Goldwater - photo by Cliffords PhotographyConservatives are for big government. Yes, you read that correctly. There is, however, a caveat. Conservatives are about keeping government out of their lives while simultaneously advocating more government intrusion into the lives of others. Conservatives are much more concerned with how government affects them than they are about how government affects you.

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