Rubio: FBI Not Asking Apple For Backdoor To Encryption

During last night’s Republican debate on CNN, Marco Rubio said, “They [FBI] are not asking for Apple to create a backdoor to encryption.” On a very specific parsing of that statement, Rubio might be correct, but what the FBI is asking Apple to do is create code that would be equal to a backdoor, because it would allow the FBI (and anyone else who gets their hands on this code) the ability to try unlimited passcodes using high-speed computers. virtually guaranteeing access to the phone’s data. So sure, on a technicality Rubio might be correct, but make no mistake, Apple is being asked to create code that would make it possible to render the iPhone’s encryption meaningless.

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Trump Has Broken All The Rules Of Politics

Jon Ralston said tonight on MSNBC that “Trump has broken all the rules of politics.” Not only that, but Donald Trump has broken the Republican Party. Or maybe more specifically, Trump has confirmed the acerbic, antagonistic, caustic and vindictive conservative voter is in large abundance. Yes, we knew they existed, we just didn’t know how often they occurred in the wild. Trump owned almost every county in the South Carolina primary. And yes, primary voter turnout is typically lower than the general election, but one thing is clear, Trump has enough support within the GOP base to take this the distance. The only question now, does Trump have a ceiling?

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Climate Change Fueled Hurricanes: Let’s Name Them After The Deniers (VIDEO)

You can’t connect any single weather event directly to climate change, but you can point to trends. And a climate change trend scientists are predicting is more severe and extreme weather events, and stronger more devastating hurricanes (a “new normal”). But why should we name these hurricanes using innocuous names like Andrew, Sandy, Ivan, and Katrina when there are much more suitable and deserving names to choose from. We should name hurricanes after prominent climate change deniers like Marco Rubio, Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, and Rick Perry.

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