The 9/11 Double Standard

There is one 9/11 where Al Qaeda terrorists led a coordinated strike using passenger jets that ended with nearly 3000 Americans dead. This 9/11 led us into two wars with the deaths of over 8000 coalition troops, and potentially tens of thousands (likely over one hundred thousand) Iraqi and Afghani deaths. This 9/11 led to a unified United States singing Kumbaya and near unanimous agreement (at least in the mainstream media and congress) in launching a war (Iraq) that had nothing to do with 9/11. This 9/11 resulted in at least a year or two of strong support for then president George W. Bush.

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The Real Obama Shows Up, Wins Second Presidential Debate

After a subpar first debate performance, President Obama was present and lively in debate number two on Tuesday night. As always, I believe Obama won on substance because Romney’s prescription for what ails this country is all wrong. But it’s up to President Obama to clearly explain why that is, and why he is the better choice and deserves a second term. The president did that last night.

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The Smirk: Mitt Romney Press Conference On Libyan Consulate Deaths

Forget all the lies and distortions for one moment. Forget about Mitt Romney’s “shoot before he aims” statement — to use a quote from President Obama. Forget about the fact that Mitt Romney doubled down on his factually challenged critique of the Obama administration during a press conference yesterday. Just focus on the two images below for a moment. — When you consider what this press conference was about (Romney’s response to the deaths at the U.S. consulate in Libya), does this look presidential to you?

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