Walmart Workers Want Justice And Respect, Flash Mob Style (VIDEO)

On September 5th, Walmart workers around the country rallied for better wages, benefits and a little thing called respect. The rally in Raleigh, North Carolina had a special flare with a well-coordinated and peaceful flash mob assembly. Walmart is the biggest employer in America with over one million workers. With that many employers, Walmart can only get away with their labor practices for so long. Eventually the people will fight back. This flash mob is likely only the beginning.

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Labor Day’s True Meaning: When Workers Organize, We All Benefit

Take a few minutes during that barbecue, or while reading, or while catching up on TV shows, or whatever you plan to do on your day off, to remember that Labor Day was not created as just another vacation day for white-collar workers. In fact, there are many people who do work on Labor Day. But this day was created to recognize organized labor, and the labor movement that made it possible for people to form unions. And those unions are responsible for giving us the 40-hour work week, better working conditions, the weekend, and better pay. Even if you never belonged to a union, the effect unions have on the job marketplace has helped us all – a rising tide lifts all boats.

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