Jack Welch And The ‘Unemployment Truthers’

Jack WelchAfter the Labor Department released the September job numbers, revealing the unemployment rate dropped to 7.8% (below 8% for the first time during Obama’s presidency), the right-wing lunatic asylum kicked into full-bore conspiracy mode. First we had “9/11 truthers, ” then we had “birth certificate truthers (birthers),” then just last week we had “poll truthers,” and now this week we have “unemployment truthers,” led by former GE CEO Jack Welch.

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Unemployment Rate Falls To 7.8 Percent, Ending Another Republican Talking Point

There goes one more Republican talking point against President Obama. Just as Mitt Romney and Republicans can no longer say there are fewer jobs now compared to when Obama took office, they also cannot say the unemployment rate has been above 8% for (x) months. That’s because today the Labor Department released September’s job numbers and the unemployment rate fell to 7.8% from 8.1% in August. It’s the lowest unemployment rate in 44 months, equaling the unemployment rate when President Obama took office. Note that the unemployment rate peaked at 10% later in 2009, so the economy has shown steady improvement for three years.

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