Not Even Gods Of War Can Kill Ideas With Bombs

Human beings understand that an idea can have formidable perseverance, when they agree with it. In fact, so fervently do people believe this, falling on one’s sword to protect the idea is considered an honorable exit from this terrestrial sphere. So, it goes without saying that human beings understand an idea can survive violence, even death — but again, only if they agree with the idea.

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Ben Affleck Unwittingly Confirms Bill Maher’s Criticism Of Liberals

On the September 26th installment of Real Time on HBO, host Bill Maher used his “New Rules” segment to call out liberals who need a lesson on what liberals are supposed to stand for. “President Obama keeps insisting that ISIS is not Islamic,” said Maher. “If vast numbers of Muslims around the world believe — and they do — that humans deserve to die for merely holding a different idea, or drawing a cartoon, or writing a book, or eloping with the wrong person, not only does the Muslim world have something in common with ISIS, it has too much in common with ISIS.”

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America’s 9/11 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Continues With ISIS

Thirteen years after the obviously unforgettable tragedy of 9/11/2001, we still continue to suffer from the effects of that traumatic event. We are told to “never forget” as if we ever would, but we never much reflect beyond that tired refrain. While we hoped President Obama would not continue to steer us along this ineffective yet resolved path, a road paved by the hope that we as a nation will feel safer at some undetermined end point, instead this president is leading us into yet another war against a terrorist group (ISIS). But why is the president doing this?

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