Enraged Trump Followers Subvert GOP, Country

On Tuesday, Donald Trump won the Indiana GOP primary, and with that, his quest to conquer the Republican Party is complete. That’s because Ted Cruz bowed out of the presidential contest last night, and today John Kasich also dropped out. That leaves Donald Trump, the bigoted, hateful, misogynist, loudmouth, xenophobic symbol of American white supremacists, as the presumptive nominee of the Grand Old Party.

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American Immigration Politics: The Haters vs. The Compassionate

In 2014 America, the “haters” rule our media coverage. We see them protesting undocumented children, screaming vitriolic language, and holding offensive signs. Why do they have such hate for these children? And make no mistake, they do indeed hate them, because people don’t act the way these so-called “adults” are acting without having a deep-seated resentment. Obviously they feel threatened, and they are acting out of fear, resulting in their open display of hostility towards people seeking a better life.

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Bill Maher: Why Has Hate Become The National Pastime?

During the “New Rules” segment of Real Time, Bill Maher pointed out all the hate on Twitter, chat rooms, and online comment sections, and showed us examples of random hate comments directed at celebrities like Zach Braff and Jonah Hill. “Abraham Lincoln said Americans were a people with malice toward none, and charity for all. But if he had said it online, the first comment would be ‘blow me, Jewbeard’.”

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