There’s No Off Position On The Gun Rights Switch

We often hear about elderly who crash their car because they confused the gas pedal for the brake pedal (I witnessed this years ago in Burger King parking lot), or any number of other reasons why someone of advanced age could wreck their car. And we hope in these cases the only people they hurt are themselves (at worst). And of course, many people say there needs to be an age limit on driving or there needs to be required driving tests for people once they get to a certain age. And of course, we do nothing about this because, well, it’s a touchy subject.

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Charleston Exposes ‘Individual Liberty’ Gun Ownership Lie

The murder of nine innocent people at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina exposes the America-born con that gun ownership is the thing that protects individual liberty. If only you could ask one of the dead how free they now feel. And if only there were more bullets flying in that church, might we finally realize America has reached its finest form of freedom.

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A Convenient Posture By White Anti-Government Conservatives

The ability to agitate a white anti-government conservative is highly dependent on who is victimized. If it is a black person getting the shaft by government, or a local police department, or anyone really, the level of concern from this white anti-government conservative rests somewhere between their concern for global warming and equal access to the voting booth.

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Here’s The Thing, Gun Nuts And Their Supreme Court Justice Cohorts Are A Lost Cause

When we talk about gun safety, yes, even the term “gun control,” what we need to recognize is that the gun nuts are a lost cause. The people who call themselves gun rights advocates, or protectors of the Second Amendment, well, they are not the minds we are trying to change. That’s what we have to acknowledge. You cannot change a closed mind. They are dogmatic. They will not be swayed. There is no argument a gun safety proponent can articulate that will permeate the impenetrable fortress that is the mind of the ideologue.

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