There’s No Off Position On The Gun Rights Switch

We often hear about elderly who crash their car because they confused the gas pedal for the brake pedal (I witnessed this years ago in Burger King parking lot), or any number of other reasons why someone of advanced age could wreck their car. And we hope in these cases the only people they hurt are themselves (at worst). And of course, many people say there needs to be an age limit on driving or there needs to be required driving tests for people once they get to a certain age. And of course, we do nothing about this because, well, it’s a touchy subject.

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Charleston Exposes ‘Individual Liberty’ Gun Ownership Lie

The murder of nine innocent people at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina exposes the America-born con that gun ownership is the thing that protects individual liberty. If only you could ask one of the dead how free they now feel. And if only there were more bullets flying in that church, might we finally realize America has reached its finest form of freedom.

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Does The Second Amendment Simply Say, ‘A well regulated Militia shall not be infringed’?

It’s true that we all carry baggage when engaged in a debate. We all have our own ideas about how things should work and what things mean. So when it comes to a debate on guns and the Second Amendment, my baggage is “regulation.” A gun rights advocate will haul around their “unfettered access to firearms” attaché.  So it’s likely our interpretations, in a parsing of the Second Amendment, will be quite different.

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You Can’t Bridge The Gun Chasm

Bridge Washout - photo by Steve WhiteAfter two months of gun control and gun rights rhetoric, there is one thing that has become painfully obvious — there’s simply no way we can span the fissure between gun “rights” advocates and gun “control” advocates. I’m not sure even the most skilled arbiter could bring forth a workable solution for both sides. One side believes nothing should be done to existing gun laws, well, except to further weaken them. The other side wants very strict controls, up to and including bans on certain types of firearms.

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Hey Gun Advocates, Spare Me Your Righteous Indignation

Nearly 500 people have been murdered by a gun in the United States of America since the horrible mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Those are the victims. The children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School are the victims. — Gun advocates are not the victims. Card-carrying NRA members are not the victims. People who talk tough but need a gun to be tough are not the victims. People who justify the need for violent assault weapons for protection or sport are not the victims. — So yeah, gun advocates, you can spare me your righteous indignation.

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