Do Global Warming Deniers Know Nuclear Weapons Exist?

On a recent episode of Last Week Tonight on HBO, host John Oliver dedicated a 15 minute segment to American apathy towards our aging nuclear weapons. Oliver said we spend more time worrying about whether we “accidentally hit Reply All on an office email” than we do worrying about “nuclear annihilation.”

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Yes Uncle Bob, Despite Winter, Global Warming Is Still Real

Well, it’s that time of year again. The time when Fox News viewers and your Uncle Bob dispense the usual liberal goading climate change denialism. You know, it’s snowing, it’s cold, therefore global warming is a hoax. There’s a blizzard, so time to make fun of Al Gore. It’s winter, hence no greenhouse effect.

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Climate Change Fueled Hurricanes: Let’s Name Them After The Deniers (VIDEO)

You can’t connect any single weather event directly to climate change, but you can point to trends. And a climate change trend scientists are predicting is more severe and extreme weather events, and stronger more devastating hurricanes (a “new normal”). But why should we name these hurricanes using innocuous names like Andrew, Sandy, Ivan, and Katrina when there are much more suitable and deserving names to choose from. We should name hurricanes after prominent climate change deniers like Marco Rubio, Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, and Rick Perry.

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