Obama Vacations While Conservatives Have Selective Amnesia

Are we really doing this again? It seems when President Obama takes a vacation longer than a couple of days, world events (whatever they might be at the time) lead conservatives to speculate whether he really cares. The guy campaigned to be president and was elected president, so it’s a safe bet he gives a shit.

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Hey Republicans, There’s Always Benghazi To Fall Back On

When you lose the economy and Obamacare as reliable talking points, there’s always Benghazi to fall back on. Sure Republican legislators, why not continue to exploit the deaths of four Americans for political gain, because you were so good at it when you dragged us into two wars, ending in even more American deaths, not to mention the foreign death toll. Death and destruction goes hand and hand with the politics of the GOP. Just ask the people who have lost loved-ones because of the “conservative” states denying access to the Medicaid expansion.

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The 9/11 Double Standard

There is one 9/11 where Al Qaeda terrorists led a coordinated strike using passenger jets that ended with nearly 3000 Americans dead. This 9/11 led us into two wars with the deaths of over 8000 coalition troops, and potentially tens of thousands (likely over one hundred thousand) Iraqi and Afghani deaths. This 9/11 led to a unified United States singing Kumbaya and near unanimous agreement (at least in the mainstream media and congress) in launching a war (Iraq) that had nothing to do with 9/11. This 9/11 resulted in at least a year or two of strong support for then president George W. Bush.

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Fact of the Day: President Obama Wins 71 Percent Of The Latino Vote

Republicans will likely respond to their presidential election loss by calling for an even more conservative candidate in the 2016 election. They likely will claim that Mitt Romney in 2012 and John McCain in 2008 were not true conservatives, and if only a true conservative could be nominated, Republicans would win back the White House. The problem is, even though Mitt Romney and John McCain were once considered moderate, they did not run as moderates during their presidential campaigns. On the surface it may seem Republicans could win over the Latino vote with a conservative message, but they fail to do so because they instead cater their message to a shrinking white majority.

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War in Afghanistan not “important” enough for Romney convention speech

Mitt Romney - photo by Dave LawrenceJust as Mitt Romney managed to get his head out of his ass (or maybe reports of this are premature?), he proceeded to ram his foot in his mouth. Friday on Fox News, Bret Baier asked Romney about neglecting to mention the troops or the war in Afghanistan during his Republican National Convention speech. Romney replied, “I’m going to regret you repeating it day in and day out. — nervous Romney laughter — No. When you, when you give a speech, you don’t go through a laundry list, you talk about the things you think are important.” — Whoops.

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Is the Republican Party heading for political armageddon?

Lawrence O’Donnell pointed out something on his show tonight that never occurred to me. The Democratic Party has won the popular vote in all but one presidential election since 1992. That’s 4 of the last 5, and it includes the 2000 presidential election that was awarded to Republican George W. Bush by the Supreme Court (he lost the popular vote to Al Gore).

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