Mike Huckabee Announces 2016 Presidential Bid

On Tuesday, Mike Huckabee announced he is running for president for a second time. During a campaign launch speech in Hope, Arkansas, Huckabee cast himself as outside the Washington elite establishment, you know, just an average guy with humble roots from a small town.

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Media, In-Group Collectivism, Feeding American Denial On Inequality, Wage Theft, And More

Denial is a powerful force, and in a representative democracy, mass denial is incredibly dangerous. Combine mass denial with in-group collectivism packaged by a handful of self-serving elites, and we call it conservative media. And leading the charge is the ideological solidarity sold by Fox News for conservative consumption, a force assisting in transmuting our representative democracy into something much more closely resembling a representative oligarchy.

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Cliven Bundy, Sean Hannity, And Right-Wing Reactionary Politics

The whole Cliven Bundy episode is a case study in right-wing reactionary politics. All the people who came to his support are now distancing themselves. That includes Sean Hannity and other Fox News personalities, and it also includes the Kochs’ funded Americans for Prosperity. None of them could be bothered to do any homework before throwing their support to him or featuring him prominently on Fox News nightly.

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Reality Is Unkind To Climate Change Deniers And Fox News Viewers

Reality is an inconsiderate and harsh place for climate change deniers, so they must exist outside it. One of the things a conservative climate change denier (and is there any other kind?) might say to you, if you are ever so lucky to be in such a debate, is that you can’t trust the scientists. They will ask you why we should believe what climate scientists tell us. Or alternatively, and inconsistently, they will tell you that not all scientists agree the planet is warming and/or humans are responsible. Although on that last point, assuming they’re attentive to the tactics of right-wing media, they are “usually” careful to say “scientist” and not “climate scientist.”

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Government Shutdown: Lies, Damned Lies, And Republicans

I know this will come as a deep and emotional shock to all who read this, but it must be said — Speaker John Boehner, congressional Republicans, Fox News hosts, and conservative talk radio jackals, are all lying through their teeth about the government shutdown, or in the case of Fox News, the government “slimdown.”

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