Climate Change For Evangelical Christians: Actions Have Consequences

Those of us who accept the scientific consensus know there will be consequences of inaction on climate change. But instead of our inaction, what about the consequences of our actions? What we don’t consider is the consequences of our actions in a faith-based sense, that might speak to the evangelical Christians who reject climate change. Let me explain.

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Millennials And Liberal Democrats Less Likely To Believe In God

A recent Pew survey reveals that 68% of Millennials, defined as those born from 1981 on, say “I never doubt the existence of God”, which is a decline of 15 points in 5 years. The “Silent” generation, those born between 1928 and 1945, did not see any change when it comes to belief in God in the past 5 years. Although I’m betting you could poll that older generation on any number of issues and rarely find much change in only 5 years.

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