Paul Krugman: It Is The Job Of The News Media To Report Falsehoods

The media’s unwillingness or inability to consistently fact-check politicians and other high-profile newsmakers, is one of the primary reasons this blog exists. The Left Call is not a fact-checking site, but I do my best to represent the facts and then tell it as I see it. Yes, I have liberal bias, but I do not have an “us” vs. “them” style agenda. My goal is not to defeat Republicans or defeat conservatives. My goal is to promote and achieve civil rights, equality, tolerance — In other words, freedom and liberty for all.

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Peter King Doesn’t Care About “Fact Check,” He Knows Obama “Apologizes” for America

Peter KingEven though Representative Peter King (R-NY) cannot cite a specific apology by President Obama, he still insists (as do many Republicans) that Obama went on an “apology tour” around the Middle East shortly after becoming president. On Monday, in an interview with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, King said, “Any commonsense interpretation of those speeches, the president’s apologizing for the American position. That’s the apology tour.”

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The Facts: Obama vs. Bush On Job Creation

First let’s get this out-of-the-way. Presidents are not job creators. They don’t wave a wand and poof, magically there are millions of new jobs. Presidents can set the tone for policy and they can have a major influence on congressional legislation that can lead to favorable economic conditions for job growth. But this is clearly a much more muddy process than we like to believe when we talk presidents and job creation.

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