Tell It Like It Is: Donald Trump’s Bloodsport Appeal

Keyed-up patrons of the bloviating orange-hued candidate regularly say Donald Trump “tells it like it is.”  But what does that even mean? Taken at face-value, a person who “tells it like it is” should be a person speaking the truth, right? But given Trump’s propensity to turn reality to a putty his tiny hands find malleable, why do his defenders continue to insist he “tells it like it is”?

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Peter King Doesn’t Care About “Fact Check,” He Knows Obama “Apologizes” for America

Peter KingEven though Representative Peter King (R-NY) cannot cite a specific apology by President Obama, he still insists (as do many Republicans) that Obama went on an “apology tour” around the Middle East shortly after becoming president. On Monday, in an interview with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, King said, “Any commonsense interpretation of those speeches, the president’s apologizing for the American position. That’s the apology tour.”

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