Marriage Equality Fight Still Not Over After Supreme Court Ruling

Would you say the fight for reproductive rights is over in 2015? I didn’t think so. Much the same can be said for marriage equality, even after yesterday’s landmark Supreme Court ruling. Because no matter how much we may perceive a “rights issue” as finally reaching its pinnacle, in this case, capped by a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling making marriage equality the law in all 50 states, it doesn’t automatically change the minds of the regressive opposition.

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Liberal: What Does It Mean? – The Rise And Fall Of Modern Social Liberalism

In May of 2011, I asked the question “What does it mean to be a liberal?” The question and the blog post that followed were written months before the launch of what is now called The Left Call. Apparently I was not alone in asking the question as that post from nearly two years ago is now the 3rd most popular on this blog. And because of that, I feel the need to expand.

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Same-sex marriage to be part of Democratic Party platform at convention

The Democratic Party will officially make same-sex marriage part of the party platform at the Democratic convention this September. It marks a big win for gay and lesbian equality in America and is the latest achievment in a growing list of achievments for the LGBT community in just the past few years. This is what can happen (directly or indirectly) when there is a progressive and (sometimes) liberal voice leading the country (President Obama).

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