Yes Trump Can Win. Democrats Are Deluded If They Think Hillary Is A Lock.

The normal state of mind for the average Democratic voter is despair. Democrats and liberals fear their candidate will lose, always. But as it turns out, at least in presidential years, this fear of loss is a catalyst that gets Democrats and liberals to the polls. That has led to popular vote wins for Democrats in five of the last six presidential elections. The only exception was in 2004 when George W. Bush won the popular vote, giving him a second term as president. Unfortunately that pesky electoral college (and a controversial Supreme Court ruling) led to Bush, a Republican, winning in 2000 even though he lost the popular vote to Al Gore, a Democrat. For some reason this fear of loss doesn’t fuel Democrats to the polls during non-presidential years, a topic we’ll bookmark for another day.

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It Takes 270: Do Conservatives Understand The Republican Electoral Math Challenge?

I know conservatives want to stick to their convictions and show America what they are made of, but do they understand the odds they face in 2016? To say it bluntly, Republicans are electorally challenged. They have a serious math problem on their hands. In 2016, Democrats start out with easily eight or nine-tenths of the electoral college votes required (270) to win the presidential election. This is before a single American casts a ballot. Why? I’ll let a conservative explain it. A conservative who does understand this incredible hurdle that Republicans face in 2016 and beyond.

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The Republican Electoral Math Challenge

Many Republicans think all that is needed is a re-tuning of their message. They simply need to tweak how they say things and suddenly it will be the nineteen-eighties all over again with Reagan-style electoral landslides. Republicans think there is no problem with conservatism itself, only the way they are delivering their message. — Hello, this is the party of Frank Luntz! Republicans are masters of sloganeering. They come up with simple concepts and phrases that roll off the tongue and appear common sense — that is, until you think about it for more than a moment.

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Conservatives Don’t Like Democracy

Have you noticed when conservatives lose elections, they don’t really like democracy all that much? Many of them don’t even like the country they live in. The people who call themselves the true defenders of freedom and the real Americans resemble neither when they are on the short end of an election result.

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Gallup: Post-Debate Poll: Obama and Romney Tied At 47 Percent

In Gallup’s pre-debate poll conducted September 30th to October 2nd, President Obama led Mitt Romney 50% to 45%. In Gallup’s post-debate poll conducted October 4th to October 6th, the race is now even at 47 percent. Gallup also asked who won the debate, and 72% said Romney, 20% said Obama. I’m not sure what debate that 20% were watching. Although to be fair, a number of people who said Obama won the debate may have ranked substance over style, and in that case, Obama did win the debate. But since style is unfortunately what matters in these debates, there is really no disputing that Romney won.

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