Dirty Harry Wants Your Punk Ass To Vote

I know what you’re thinking. “Which is worse, a Democrat or a Republican?” Well, to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is an election day, the most powerful civic duty in the world, and you could know you did your part, you’ve gotta ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do ya, punk?

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Democrats Are Weasels, But Don’t Let That Stop You From Voting

It’s been a near universal Democratic game plan for the 2014 mid-term elections: Run FAR away from President Obama. Democrats are such fucking weasels. They grow a conscience for about twenty seconds and vote for something like the Affordable Care Act, then when the political winds blow against them, they cower in fear, distancing themselves from their own record, even if that record is one of great achievement.

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Did Clinton’s DNC Speech Win President Obama a Second Term?

Clinton and Obama hug - DNCFormer President Bill Clinton delivered a lengthy, issue-specific speech and he did so in a way that was both entertaining as well as informative. His speech delivered much needed context on the economy and President Obama’s record after the Great Recession, and it destroyed Republican lies and out of context talking points.

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Know Your Voting Rights: Election Day is Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vote - photo by Ann DouglasVoting rights are under attack in America by a Republican Party that sees its odds of winning future elections hinge on the ability to suppress the minority vote. The country is growing increasingly diverse and by 2050 whites will no longer be in the majority. The Republican Party is going in the opposite direction. The party of Abraham Lincoln is now nearly unrecognizable. While the Republican Party should be able to recruit minorities with a conservative message, that message is overshadowed by a party that is hostile towards immigrants and people who they view as “different” or “foreign.” Just ask President Obama.

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Paul Ryan as Running Mate, Mistake or Deceptively Clever?

Paul RyanIt’s been a week since Mitt Romney announced Paul Ryan as his running mate, and in this past week we’ve seen Ryan running away from the two big things that he is known for. If it wasn’t for the “Ryan budget” or his love-affair with Ayn Rand, Paul Ryan would just be another congressman. And if that was the case, it’s probably safe to say he would not have been on Romney’s VP short-list. So why is Paul Ryan running away from the very things that got him on that list to begin with? Did Mitt Romney make a mistake or is this a deceptively clever plan to win the White House?

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