Is Trump Trying To Win? Because It’s Not Clear To Me

In the week after the two conventions, Donald Trump is suffering from an existential crisis of candidacy, something you’d expect to happen during primary season, resulting in an exit from the race. The only problem for Trump is that he actually won the Republican primary and was nominated by his party to be our next president. So what else can explain Trump’s post-convention failings? Is it just Trump being Trump? I guess for most of his supporters nothing has changed, save for the “lamestream media” being unfair to their candidate, as they’d like us to believe. His supporters have already established that in their minds Trump can do no wrong, and some actually say this out-loud. The problem for Trump, however, is that he needs to win over people less inclined to believe he can do no wrong, and he is failing miserably.

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28 Quotes from President Obama’s DNC Acceptance Speech

President\ Obama - DNCPresident Obama delivered what started out as a safe speech but turned into an optimistic vision for America’s future. People don’t want to be told what is wrong with America, they want a leader to tell them what is right with America. And they want a leader to tell them how we can make things better. Obama’s speech was a renewed message of hope and change but this time he said that change was not him, it was us, and he challenged all of us to strive to make this country better for future generations, just as generations did before us.

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DNC – Two Resonating Quotes from Elizabeth Warren’s Speech

Elizabeth Warren - DNCElizabeth Warren is a financial expert, particularly in bankruptcy law. She is also a consumer advocate and a Senate candidate for the state of Massachusetts. But most importantly, Elizabeth Warren is a champion for the average low and middle-income American. She is right to say the system is rigged. Rich and powerful interests have greater access to our elected officials and that leads to legislation that favors narrow agendas. The people who already have everything get even more and the people who have little or nothing continue to be overlooked. As Jon Stewart put it, “Poor people have shitty lobbyists.” — Here are two resonating quotes from Elizabeth Warren’s Democratic National Convention speech:

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Did Clinton’s DNC Speech Win President Obama a Second Term?

Clinton and Obama hug - DNCFormer President Bill Clinton delivered a lengthy, issue-specific speech and he did so in a way that was both entertaining as well as informative. His speech delivered much needed context on the economy and President Obama’s record after the Great Recession, and it destroyed Republican lies and out of context talking points.

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President Bill Clinton’s DNC Speech Makes Him the FactChecker-in-Chief

President Clinton - DNCFormer President Bill Clinton delivered a 50 minute substantive speech that thoroughly explained how we got here and where we are going if we elect President Obama to a second term — an economy built for the future. Along the way he eviscerated some of the biggest Republican lies over the past few weeks (and years). Lies like the $716 billion Medicare cuts [savings] and the welfare work requirement. Issue after issue, President Clinton delivered the clear honest truth to Americans and he even re-appropriated President Reagan’s famous line when he said of Republicans, “there they go again.” In his own unique style, Clinton reminded us why he was a two-term president and why he is such a popular former president.

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DNC – Notable Passages from First Lady Michelle Obama’s Speech

Michelle Obama - DNC speechFirst Lady Michelle Obama delivered a heartfelt speech mostly neutral on policies, but there were a few specific mentions of first-term achievements as well as lines that spoke in contrast to Republican National Convention speeches. But the most politically effective lines in the speech were also the most personal when she described a caring human being, a loving husband and a devoted father called Barack Obama. She drove home a message that you cannot separate what makes Barack Obama the man and Barack Obama the president. This is a direct appeal to the fact that a large majority of Americans like President Obama as a person even if they don’t agree with him on the economy or other policies.

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