Catholic High School Teacher With 18 Years Tenure Fired After Telling Colleagues She Is Gay

At a faculty workshop at Totino-Grace Catholic High School in Fridley, Minnesota, Kristen Ostendorf told her colleagues “I’m gay, I’m in a relationship with a woman, and I’m happy.” She said the “make your mark” theme of the workshop combined with the firing of the school president (also gay) in July prompted her to come out to her co-workers. But the next day the school administration told her she must resign or face termination. She did not want to quit her job and so the school promptly fired her.

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Post-Racial Pendulum Swing: The Fleecing Of Power From White America, According To White America

Tell me if you’ve heard about or read about something like this recently. — You see an article, or a Facebook post decrying President Obama, Al Sharpton, and anybody else considered by some to be the “other” for making comments in support of Trayvon Martin’s family or his memory. Or worse yet, these prominent figures of darker complexion, hence questionable motives, dare interject race into the conversation.

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