September 7, 2016
Reader Email: Why Is Jill Stein A Fringe Candidate?
Email conversations with Left Call readers. Published with consent.
September 7, 2016
Email conversations with Left Call readers. Published with consent.
January 15, 2014
Reality is an inconsiderate and harsh place for climate change deniers, so they must exist outside it. One of the things a conservative climate change denier (and is there any other kind?) might say to you, if you are ever so lucky to be in such a debate, is that you can’t trust the scientists. They will ask you why we should believe what climate scientists tell us. Or alternatively, and inconsistently, they will tell you that not all scientists agree the planet is warming and/or humans are responsible. Although on that last point, assuming they’re attentive to the tactics of right-wing media, they are “usually” careful to say “scientist” and not “climate scientist.”
September 27, 2013
There’s a lot of hot air (okay, that was too predictable) from climate change deniers in the run up to today’s UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report. Some of these deniers are actually saying global warming has stopped or in some cases reversed. Remember, we aren’t talking about skeptics. These people are out-and-out denialists. They are unconcerned with facts and evidence. The only thing that matters in their narrow worldview is their “belief” that climate change is not real or not man-made.
September 23, 2013
This one pretty much flew under the radar. — A piece of legislation would have allowed President Obama to name up to three unpaid science laureate positions to travel the country speaking to children. The hope was to inspire children to pursue a career in science. But know-nothing Republicans are at it again. Because Republicans don’t believe in climate change, and in fact believe it’s nothing more than a political issue, they killed the bill because it might serve as a means for President Obama to spread climate science falsehoods. And well, I guess Republicans do know a thing or two about deception and fabrication.
May 19, 2013
Hell, people can deny climate science based on opinion alone, right? So why can’t I deny the forensic science of airplane crashes? I think it’s worthless. We learn nothing. Airplanes are already safe enough. Why would we spend money trying to fix something that isn’t broken?
May 18, 2013
Whether you call it climate change or global warming, there is scientific consensus that it’s real and human activity is the cause. That is the finding of a new study that examined 11,944 scientific papers on global warming. Of the papers that offered a causality on global warming, 97 percent concluded global warming is real and humans are the cause.
February 18, 2012
February 11, 2012