Blinded By The Right: Self-Delusion Fueled Obama-Rage

We generally find it narcissistic, self-righteous, and even a bit creepy when a human being believes he or she is superior to another human being. But when someone believes this very same thing about their country, with the implication being that all other countries (and hence the people who live in them) are inferior, it is considered perfectly normal. And if you are an American, you damn well better believe you live in the best country on the face of the Earth.

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President Obama Stays on Kansas Ballot, and Birthers are F’n Delusional

In case you missed this one, for a brief time Kansas considered removing President Barack Obama from the ballot this election. Why? Because the birther craziness knows no end. I’m so glad a panel of Republicans “decided” to allow Obama to remain on the ballot in Kansas. Uh, there was no decision to be made. He is the president. He is running for a second term. He WILL be on the ballot you f’ers. — Am I the only one fuming over this nonsense?

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