Government Shutdown: Lies, Damned Lies, And Republicans

I know this will come as a deep and emotional shock to all who read this, but it must be said — Speaker John Boehner, congressional Republicans, Fox News hosts, and conservative talk radio jackals, are all lying through their teeth about the government shutdown, or in the case of Fox News, the government “slimdown.”

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Republicans Need A 12-Step Program To Kick Their Anti-Obamacare Addiction

On the eve of a Republican-precipitated government shutdown, I think we need an intervention. Republicans need to check themselves into a 12-step program to kick their anti-Obamacare addiction. And it’s quite likely some Republicans may require simultaneous treatment for the very dangerous Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS). Let me kick off the process by offering these essential steps.

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The Fake-Filibuster: Because Senator Ted Cruz Loves The Sound Of His Own Voice

When this article was published, Senator Ted Cruz was still fake-filibustering on the Senate floor. His reason for fake-filibustering is to denounce Obamacare and call for it’s defunding. This will never happen of course, but a little thing like reality won’t stand in the way of delusion for Republicans like Cruz. And I say this is a fake filibuster because Cruz has no power in this situation to hold the Senate hostage.

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Obamacare Repeal: At Least Republicans Dropped The Pretense

As President Obama said today, Republicans no longer rely on a pretense to replace Obamacare with something else. Republicans are simply opposed to the Affordable Care Act, nothing more. There is no Republican alternative. The Republican Party might be fracturing in other areas, but repeal of Obamacare is indeed their unifying issue.

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