Hey Conservatives, Want Less Government? Raise The Minimum Wage

Are you a conservative who wants less government? Do you despise welfare queens? Do you have contempt for fellow human beings when they need trivial things like food and health care? Do you yell things like “get a job” or “work harder” or “start your own business” when you hear people grumble about their empty stomach, or carp about going into debt for medical bills, or bemoan their inability to buy the G.I. Joe with the Kung Fu grip for their kid at Christmas time?

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Corporate Profits Soar, But Republicans Refuse To Raise Minimum Wage

We know corporate profits are hitting all-time highs, yet here we are having a debate with the protectors of corporate wealth over raising the minimum wage. I feel like responding to these people like Neo responded to Agent Smith in The Matrix. “Yeah, well that sounds like a really good deal. But I think I’ve got a better one. How about…I give you the finger, and you give us a fair wage.” — Wait, I’m getting reports that I might not have gotten that exactly right. Seems I was off a smidgen. Maybe “the finger” part. Two fingers?

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