The 9/11 Double Standard

There is one 9/11 where Al Qaeda terrorists led a coordinated strike using passenger jets that ended with nearly 3000 Americans dead. This 9/11 led us into two wars with the deaths of over 8000 coalition troops, and potentially tens of thousands (likely over one hundred thousand) Iraqi and Afghani deaths. This 9/11 led to a unified United States singing Kumbaya and near unanimous agreement (at least in the mainstream media and congress) in launching a war (Iraq) that had nothing to do with 9/11. This 9/11 resulted in at least a year or two of strong support for then president George W. Bush.

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The Smirk: Mitt Romney Press Conference On Libyan Consulate Deaths

Forget all the lies and distortions for one moment. Forget about Mitt Romney’s “shoot before he aims” statement — to use a quote from President Obama. Forget about the fact that Mitt Romney doubled down on his factually challenged critique of the Obama administration during a press conference yesterday. Just focus on the two images below for a moment. — When you consider what this press conference was about (Romney’s response to the deaths at the U.S. consulate in Libya), does this look presidential to you?

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