Fox News Seeded Trump’s ‘Fake News’ Paranoia

The Fox News and conservative talk radio war against the mainstream media seeded Donald Trump’s “fake news” paranoia. There is nothing new about politicians going after the news media, but Donald Trump takes this time-honored practice to an absurd level made possible by his uniquely narcissistic personality. When it comes to what people say about him, Trump has an uncontrollable obsession. And now he has a new tool for his bravado, anything less than flattery is “fake news.”

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Rubio: FBI Not Asking Apple For Backdoor To Encryption

During last night’s Republican debate on CNN, Marco Rubio said, “They [FBI] are not asking for Apple to create a backdoor to encryption.” On a very specific parsing of that statement, Rubio might be correct, but what the FBI is asking Apple to do is create code that would be equal to a backdoor, because it would allow the FBI (and anyone else who gets their hands on this code) the ability to try unlimited passcodes using high-speed computers. virtually guaranteeing access to the phone’s data. So sure, on a technicality Rubio might be correct, but make no mistake, Apple is being asked to create code that would make it possible to render the iPhone’s encryption meaningless.

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Sanders: Nobody Has Asked For My Birth Certificate

During tonight’s Democratic town hall on CNN, Bernie Sanders connected Republican obstructionism during Obama’s seven years in office to the birther movement led by Donald Trump. “What you are seeing today in this Supreme Court situation, is nothing more than the continuous and unprecedented obstructionism that President Obama has gone through,” said Sanders. “And this is on top of this birther issue — which we heard from Donald Trump and others — a racist effort to try to delegitimize the President of the United States.”

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Peter King Doesn’t Care About “Fact Check,” He Knows Obama “Apologizes” for America

Peter KingEven though Representative Peter King (R-NY) cannot cite a specific apology by President Obama, he still insists (as do many Republicans) that Obama went on an “apology tour” around the Middle East shortly after becoming president. On Monday, in an interview with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, King said, “Any commonsense interpretation of those speeches, the president’s apologizing for the American position. That’s the apology tour.”

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Current TV Struggles To Find Ratings, Could Be Dropped By Time Warner

Current TV is trying to transform itself into a independent, liberal news commentary network. Countdown with Keith Olbermann at 8pm was the centerpiece to this plan and it was to serve as a springboard to launch a full primetime lineup of progressive commentary (just like MSNBC did over the past decade). During the past six months Current has debuted 7pm and 9pm shows (The Young Turks, The War Room with Jennifer Granholm) to surround ‘Countdown’. Just last week Current debuted a 6 hour block of programming from 6am to 12pm each weekday morning. Full Court Press with Bill Press from 6am to 9am and Talking Liberally with Stephanie Miller from 9am to 12pm. Both shows are simulcasts of existing liberal radio shows.

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