The ‘Fiscal Cliff’ That Isn’t

On today’s Up on MSNBC, Chris Hayes said if the debt and deficit were really a major concern in Washington, we would not have a debate framed around a fictional “fiscal cliff.” Hayes said that it is neither fiscal or a cliff. At best it’s a fiscal curb, but even that isn’t correct because on the fiscal side, the “fiscal cliff’ is actually a major dose of austerity.

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How Big A Government Do We Need?

Republicans talk about the size of government as if it can be measured against some predefined scale. They talk about big government but they don’t define how you measure the size of government. They say if government is big than freedom is small. But who makes these rules? If Republicans want us to believe that there is a proper size to government and any larger than that is a threat to freedom, shouldn’t they bare the burden of proof?

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A Survey Of Small Business Owners Shows Demand Is Key To The Economy

On Sunday’s Up with Chris Hayes, they displayed a graphic showing the results of a survey of small business owners. The survey was conducted by Wells Fargo and the Gallup Small Business Index on September 13, 2012. The context is hiring concerns. What are small business owners thinking about and looking for when it comes to hiring more workers? — Remember, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney (and his entire party) believe the biggest concern for small businesses is government regulations and taxation. This survey reveals otherwise:

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Mitt Romney Tax Return Scrutiny Calls Attention To Progressive Taxation

It’s quite possible the real reason Mitt Romney does not want to release more years of tax returns is that he knows it will only serve to put a sharper focus on progressive taxation in the United States. In fact he and his wife Ann have all but said that. They haven’t spelled out the specifics but they have said they won’t release more returns because it will result in more criticism.

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