Tell It Like It Is: Donald Trump’s Bloodsport Appeal

Keyed-up patrons of the bloviating orange-hued candidate regularly say Donald Trump “tells it like it is.”  But what does that even mean? Taken at face-value, a person who “tells it like it is” should be a person speaking the truth, right? But given Trump’s propensity to turn reality to a putty his tiny hands find malleable, why do his defenders continue to insist he “tells it like it is”?

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15 Promised Outcomes By Candidate Donald Trump

If you move beyond the nationalism and xenophobia fueling his rise, another reason Donald Trump has been so successful is because he doesn’t get bogged down in the details. He refuses to get into the weeds because he knows that is not the purview of his audience. Donald Trump instead promises outcomes like an authoritarian strongman. All of his campaign speeches, once you get past his personal congratulatory rhetoric, revolve around a set of results absent any explanation for how they will be achieved. Here are 15 “explain it as a child” outcomes The Donald promises during his stump speeches.

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Supreme Court Strikes Down Aggregate Campaign Contribution Limits

By a politically divided 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court today struck down overall contribution limits to federal campaigns by individuals, citing free speech. This ruling should not be a shock given the Roberts court presided over the “Citizens United” case which, for legal purposes, declared corporations to have the same rights as citizens.

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The Romney-Ryan Roadside Campaign Sign Problem

So I’m driving to work today along the same highway I use every day to get to work and I see the same two Romney-Ryan signs in the grassy area between northbound and southbound traffic. These signs have been there since well before election day, possibly placed in the ground only days after Ryan was named as Romney’s running mate.

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VIDEO: Parody commercial uses Mitt Romney’s own voice against him

YouTube user Hugh Atkin created a mock Romney campaign video by slicing together Mitt Romney’s own voice. In the parody video, uploaded on August 17th, Mitt Romney says, “I don’t really know who I am. I don’t know what I believe. I served as governor for four years, like a mini skirt it was short and revealing. I was liberal, but I was conservative as well.”

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