Yes Conservatives, The Police Can Be Wrong, Even If It Crushes Your World

Sorry conservatives, but the police are human beings, just like the people they protect and serve. And that means they are fallible just like other members of the community. Yes, the police can harm instead of serve. Yes, the police can commit crimes. And yes, sometimes the police can just be pricks, provoking a community that is grieving the death of an unarmed 18-year-old.

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The Supreme Court And Affirmative Action

I don’t have to respect the robe, and I don’t have to offer deference to Supreme Court justices if they are wrong. Because at the end of the day, they are still just human beings. So when the Supreme Court ruled this week to uphold Michigan’s ban on affirmative action, they were simply wrong, regardless of statue, regardless of power.

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Cliven Bundy, Sean Hannity, And Right-Wing Reactionary Politics

The whole Cliven Bundy episode is a case study in right-wing reactionary politics. All the people who came to his support are now distancing themselves. That includes Sean Hannity and other Fox News personalities, and it also includes the Kochs’ funded Americans for Prosperity. None of them could be bothered to do any homework before throwing their support to him or featuring him prominently on Fox News nightly.

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Can’t We All Just Get Along?

How many times have we heard those of power and privilege tell the people they’re walking all over to stop complaining because they don’t like hearing such hostility? It’s like whites in the 1960s reading about the latest race riot in the newspaper, sighing, and asking their black maid, “Why we can’t just all get along?” When the maid tries to calmly explain a few points that the protesters are making, then the whites make her and her comrades out to be rabble-rousers who can’t just be happy living in peace with their neighbors. Then the whites reply with something like, “Why can’t you just go back to being like you were 20 years ago in the 1940s when I was a kid? Growing up I never heard blacks complaining all the time like this. Why are you suddenly trying to make things so difficult for everyone?”

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Prison-Industrial Complex Watch: 1.5 Million Floridians Banned From Voting

Sometimes racism is overt and sometimes it’s baked into the system in ways people don’t recognize. We know the judicial system in America discriminates against minorities, especially young black males. When states like Florida take away a person’s ability to vote because he or she was incarcerated, it reinforces the this two-tier justice system. If blacks are more likely to be locked up (even when they commit a particular crime at the same rate as whites), the black community faces greater voter disenfranchisement, both during and after incarceration.

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