Tea Partiers: Fox News Isn’t Conservative Enough

Remember when Fox News couldn’t stop talking about Benghazi? It was Benghazi-gate, 24/7. OK, maybe that’s somewhat embellished, but there is little debate over whether Fox News provided ample coverage of a supposed Benghazi cover-up — well, except for some Tea Party nuts. They believe Fox News is not conservative enough, and they point to their perception of a left turn for the “news” network in the aftermath of the 2012 election.

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Jack Welch And The ‘Unemployment Truthers’

Jack WelchAfter the Labor Department released the September job numbers, revealing the unemployment rate dropped to 7.8% (below 8% for the first time during Obama’s presidency), the right-wing lunatic asylum kicked into full-bore conspiracy mode. First we had “9/11 truthers, ” then we had “birth certificate truthers (birthers),” then just last week we had “poll truthers,” and now this week we have “unemployment truthers,” led by former GE CEO Jack Welch.

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President Obama Stays on Kansas Ballot, and Birthers are F’n Delusional

In case you missed this one, for a brief time Kansas considered removing President Barack Obama from the ballot this election. Why? Because the birther craziness knows no end. I’m so glad a panel of Republicans “decided” to allow Obama to remain on the ballot in Kansas. Uh, there was no decision to be made. He is the president. He is running for a second term. He WILL be on the ballot you f’ers. — Am I the only one fuming over this nonsense?

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Birtherism: Hey Romney Supporters, Your Bias Is Showing

On Friday, while at a campaign stop in Michigan, Mitt Romney joked, “No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate.” Maybe Romney has gone birther, or maybe he was pandering to the birther element within the Republican Party, or maybe he just made a bad joke. It’s irrelevant to the point I would like to make that Romney supporters are showing their bias when they defend his “joke.”

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VIDEO: Romney: ‘No One’s Ever Asked To See My Birth Certificate’

What is Mitt Romney looking to accomplish with his birth certificate joke? Today Mitt Romney said, “No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate.” He said this during a campaign stop in Michigan. Why does Romney feel the need to play to the racist and ‘head up the ass’ fringe of the Republican base when he should be trying to win over the few remaining undecided voters? Surely these undecided voters are in the moderate camp and not likely to subscribe to the absurd birther movement.

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