Hey Republicans, There’s Always Benghazi To Fall Back On

When you lose the economy and Obamacare as reliable talking points, there’s always Benghazi to fall back on. Sure Republican legislators, why not continue to exploit the deaths of four Americans for political gain, because you were so good at it when you dragged us into two wars, ending in even more American deaths, not to mention the foreign death toll. Death and destruction goes hand and hand with the politics of the GOP. Just ask the people who have lost loved-ones because of the “conservative” states denying access to the Medicaid expansion.

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CBS Evening News Calls Out Republicans On Benghazi

In a rare bit of comprehensiveness in the world of news coverage, CBS Evening News reported tonight that Republicans produced false White House quotes on the Benghazi attack. Of course CBS struck a journalistic even tone in their reporting, but there will be none of that in this blog post.

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Benghazi: The Fox News Narrative That Just Won’t Stick

Fox News hosts and personalities have a long history of pumping up “news” stories they wish to see permeate the mainstream media. And regardless of the outcome, it’s a win-win situation for Fox News. If the narrative posited by Fox News is picked up and repeated by other news outlets — Win. If their narrative is ignored by other new outlets, they cry media bias — Win.

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Tea Partiers: Fox News Isn’t Conservative Enough

Remember when Fox News couldn’t stop talking about Benghazi? It was Benghazi-gate, 24/7. OK, maybe that’s somewhat embellished, but there is little debate over whether Fox News provided ample coverage of a supposed Benghazi cover-up — well, except for some Tea Party nuts. They believe Fox News is not conservative enough, and they point to their perception of a left turn for the “news” network in the aftermath of the 2012 election.

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McCain’s Benghazi Hypocrisy

John McCain asks David Gregory on Meet the Press if he cares about four dead Americans. And why did McCain ask this question? Because Gregory dared to question McCain’s objection to Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense. See, McCain wants answers on Benghazi. He thinks there’s a cover up. When Gregory dared asked McCain to explain what’s being covered up, that’s when McCain invoked his “four dead Americans” rebuke. But John McCain has displayed incredible hypocrisy and bad faith when it comes to his search for answers about Benghazi.

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The 9/11 Double Standard

There is one 9/11 where Al Qaeda terrorists led a coordinated strike using passenger jets that ended with nearly 3000 Americans dead. This 9/11 led us into two wars with the deaths of over 8000 coalition troops, and potentially tens of thousands (likely over one hundred thousand) Iraqi and Afghani deaths. This 9/11 led to a unified United States singing Kumbaya and near unanimous agreement (at least in the mainstream media and congress) in launching a war (Iraq) that had nothing to do with 9/11. This 9/11 resulted in at least a year or two of strong support for then president George W. Bush.

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