Enraged Trump Followers Subvert GOP, Country

On Tuesday, Donald Trump won the Indiana GOP primary, and with that, his quest to conquer the Republican Party is complete. That’s because Ted Cruz bowed out of the presidential contest last night, and today John Kasich also dropped out. That leaves Donald Trump, the bigoted, hateful, misogynist, loudmouth, xenophobic symbol of American white supremacists, as the presumptive nominee of the Grand Old Party.

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Obama Vacations While Conservatives Have Selective Amnesia

Are we really doing this again? It seems when President Obama takes a vacation longer than a couple of days, world events (whatever they might be at the time) lead conservatives to speculate whether he really cares. The guy campaigned to be president and was elected president, so it’s a safe bet he gives a shit.

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GOP Chickenhawks Suddenly Gone Soft: Republicans Have No Appetite For War

The war party, otherwise known as the Republican Party, has gone soft. The GOP likes to pride itself on being strong on national defense, looking to pick a fight with the next dictator or tyrant. And for at least the last three or four decades Republicans have taken great pleasure in deriding Democrats and liberals for being soft when it comes to war. But suddenly the chickenhawk Republicans find themselves in unfamiliar territory, having to defend their anti-war stance on Syria. What has the world come to?

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Post-Election: A Palpable Fear Of Change For Conservatives

I’m a big fan of routine, of knowing how things work, and not needing to constantly re-adjust my expectations. And I think this is true of most people. But post-election, it seems fear of change for many (white) conservatives is palpable. Conservatives see a rapidly changing America, and it scares them. Their fear is not based on a tangible threat, but rather a sense that America is heading to a different and unknown destination. I get it; change is scary. The unknown is scary. I get that people prefer the devil they know. — But should this fear of the unknown hold us back from embracing what makes America unique?

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