More Guns In The Hands Of A Raving Fringe

On the one-year anniversary of Sandy Hook, and one day after the latest school shooting, there are still many Americans who are passive on the issue of gun control. In fact, many Americans who don’t own guns, and some who don’t even like guns at all and wish they didn’t exist, are still apathetic to the issue of firearm proliferation in this country. For decades the percentage of households with a firearm has decreased while the number of total firearms has increased. That means being quiet on this issue, being indifferent when a few resolute lawmakers attempt something as seemingly practical as universal background checks, leads to a hoarding of arms by a few raving lunatics. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying every household with a firearm is occupied by crazy people. But what I am saying is that there is a fringe minority in this country who are amassing large stockpiles of guns and ammunition. Can you honestly tell me that you don’t care about this?

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Poll: Majority Of Pennsylvania Voters Are ‘Angry’ Or ‘Dissatisfied’ Over Background Check Vote

A Quinnipiac University poll finds a large majority of Pennsylvania voters supported the Manchin-Toomey background check bill that was “defeated” in the Senate last week. Sixty-nine percent of PA voters said they “strongly support” expanded background checks. The background check bill did not make it to the artificial 60-vote threshold needed to pass. In the Senate, barring political nonsense, it only requires a simply majority to pass a bill. But those days are long gone. The failure of expanded background checks to pass the Senate has 34 percent of PA voters “angry,” and 36 percent “dissatisfied.”

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Senator Johanns Says You ‘Literally’ Shoot People In Video Games

Senator Mike Johanns (R-NE) - photo by USDAgovThis week Republican Senator Mike Johanns (NE) said, “I find it so incredibly ironic…” Wait! Wait! I gotta stop you there Senator. “Ironic”? I’m not sure what’s the word you wanted to use. But OK, go on… “That its [background check legislation] proponents think these weapons are a problem in the hands of law-abiding citizens,” said Johanns. “But apparently see no problem with the same weapons being glorified in Hollywood movies and video games.”

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Gun Control: Senate Votes 54-46 On Extended Background Checks

Today the Senate voted 54-46 on gun legislation that would extend background checks to include gun shows and online purchases. For those who are aware the bill did not pass, I purposely refrained from saying the Senate voted to defeat the bill. That’s because the bill would have passed if not for Republican filibuster. But as usual the media is lazy. If you search Google for “gun legislation filibuster,” most of the results are from 6 days ago, when Republicans threatened to filibuster debate of the legislation. Well today Republicans filibustered the actual Senate bill. Remove the filibuster and the bill passes by 8 votes.

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Concealed-Carry Gun Laws To Extend Across State Lines?

Last week the Senate started debate on the bi-partisan gun bill championed by Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Pat Toomey (R-PA). Expanded background checks is the biggest gun control provision, but we need to pay special attention to something else in the bill, national reciprocity of concealed-carry permits. It means gun owners with proper permits (in states that allow concealed-carry) would be allowed to cross state lines with their concealed firearm.

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