Prison-Industrial Complex Watch: Amnesty For Non-Violent Drug Offenders?

Last month Attorney General Eric Holder declared “too many Americans go to too many prisons for far too long, and for no truly good law enforcement reason.” For many, this was a welcome, although limited change of policy. To get around existing mandatory minimum laws, Holder instructed federal prosecutors to use discretion for non-violent drug offenders. By not listing the quantities of drugs, prosecutors can’t avoid the trigger mechanisms in mandatory minimum sentencing rules. This is definitely a good first step, but we need all mandatory minimum laws repealed. We should not remove the ability of a judge and jury to rule on the merits of each case.

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Immigration Reform: Mexico Border Fence Is America’s Latest Overreaction

The only way millions of undocumented immigrants will get a chance at citizenship is if we appease the paranoid, delusional and conspiracy consumed minds of many conservatives. The last thing many of these conservatives want to do is grant amnesty to the “illegals.” Of course these are human beings looking for a better life, but they crossed the border illegally, which according to conservatives, is the most heinous crime a person can commit other than being gay.

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