More Guns In The Hands Of A Raving Fringe

On the one-year anniversary of Sandy Hook, and one day after the latest school shooting, there are still many Americans who are passive on the issue of gun control. In fact, many Americans who don’t own guns, and some who don’t even like guns at all and wish they didn’t exist, are still apathetic to the issue of firearm proliferation in this country. For decades the percentage of households with a firearm has decreased while the number of total firearms has increased. That means being quiet on this issue, being indifferent when a few resolute lawmakers attempt something as seemingly practical as universal background checks, leads to a hoarding of arms by a few raving lunatics. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying every household with a firearm is occupied by crazy people. But what I am saying is that there is a fringe minority in this country who are amassing large stockpiles of guns and ammunition. Can you honestly tell me that you don’t care about this?

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Wayne’s World: Guns Over People

If all human beings displayed the same fervor and passion for human rights as NRA members and gun owners express for their guns, we might already have achieved world peace. — Well, if only we could do something about those guns.

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More Thoughts On Gun Control After The Sandy Hook School Shooting

I’m at a point on the “gun issue” where I honestly don’t care what gun owners have to say — that is, if you insist on defending material ownership rights above all else, including calls for a national conversation on gun control. Most people calling for tougher gun laws are not in favor of a prohibition on firearms. I’m included in that group. We know prohibition doesn’t work.

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