If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It, Unless It No Longer Exists, In Which Case…

If you like your health plan, you can keep it. That is a line often repeated by President Obama and his administration since passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. I think most people knew this was an oversimplification, and you can hardly blame politicians for keeping the word length to a minimum when the public has a greater attention span for Miley Cyrus than they do for more important issues like health care insurance. So yes, this line is not entirely accurate. Below I offer you a better (but still basic) explanation, but if Obama and other administration officials had chosen to explain all the nuance, nobody would have heard it, because they would have changed the channel, flipped over to a new website, or simply fallen asleep. But I trust you won’t do that, right?

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Obamacare Website Glitches Reflect Complex Market-Based System

I’m no fan of the Affordable Care Act. Maybe it was the best we could do in 2010 under the weight of Republican double-dealing and quackery, but the ACA is flawed because it tries to exist within the current health care insurance system. And well, the current system isn’t really a system at all. It’s a collection of disparate for-profit health care insurance companies. What the ACA gets right is the patient protections, but what it gets wrong is the method of insurance.

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GOP To Test New Obamacare Repeal Strategy

CAPITOL HILL — After a failed attempt to defund or repeal Obamacare with a government shutdown, and after over forty symbolic repeal votes in the House, Republicans are signaling a tonal shift. With public approval of the Republican Party at historic lows, GOP leaders will roll out a brand new Obamacare repeal strategy they believe Americans will find more amiable. Instead of another plan to hold the country hostage, Republican lawmakers will instead hold their breath, and some may also stomp their feet, and they will not give up until President Obama finally indicates a willingness to be reasonable and work with Republicans to dismantle his signature legislative achievement. But behind closed doors, some reluctant Republicans admit this new strategy is not without risk.

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Dear Liberals, Regarding The Affordable Care Act

Dear liberals and Democrats, I have a short message regarding the Affordable Care Act followed by a tiny request. Actually, this message is specifically concerning all the problems people are having when trying to logon to the new federal health care exchange website (HealthCare.gov). And I can already sense you turning on me at this very moment, but please, stick around for just a few more moments.

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Government Offers Reasonably Priced ACA Collector’s Edition In Lieu Of Actual Affordable Care

WASHINGTON, DC — Glitches in the federal health care exchange website (healthcare.gov) have prompted the Obama administration to offer an alternative to the affordable health care promised under the new law, at least temporarily. To demonstrate their ability to offer an affordable product, anything really, the White House released this statement today to appease Republicans on Capitol Hill and the tens of millions of Americans who still do not have access to affordable health care insurance.

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Obamacare Repeal: At Least Republicans Dropped The Pretense

As President Obama said today, Republicans no longer rely on a pretense to replace Obamacare with something else. Republicans are simply opposed to the Affordable Care Act, nothing more. There is no Republican alternative. The Republican Party might be fracturing in other areas, but repeal of Obamacare is indeed their unifying issue.

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