WWW: The Latest Democracy To Fall Victim To The Rich And Powerful

If I asked you what it takes to get a popular web site onto the internet, what would you say? If you’re like most people, you’d probably say something about creating a site, then sprinkling relevant keywords strategically throughout (a.k.a. “Search Engine Optimization” (SEO)), and then, as people discover the site, and your audience & traffic builds, your site will move up to the top of the search page rankings making you a popular web site.

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Post-Racial Pendulum Swing: The Fleecing Of Power From White America, According To White America

Tell me if you’ve heard about or read about something like this recently. — You see an article, or a Facebook post decrying President Obama, Al Sharpton, and anybody else considered by some to be the “other” for making comments in support of Trayvon Martin’s family or his memory. Or worse yet, these prominent figures of darker complexion, hence questionable motives, dare interject race into the conversation.

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Exxon – When A Company Is This Large, Freedom Takes A Backseat

ExxonMobil - photo by waltarrrrrDoes anybody really believe it’s healthy for capitalism, and more importantly democracy, when one company hauls in a net income of over $40 billion a year? And do you think a company this large, with that much money and power to throw around is not going to disrupt freedom, liberty and civil rights if it suits the interests of the company? And do you think a company this large will not influence government policy, legislation and even local law enforcement? This is not conspiracy theory territory, it’s a simple truth that when you combine human beings with incredibly profitable businesses, you end up with an endless thirst for power.

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Dead Guy Ale and Breaking Bad

So I’m sitting at home watching season four of Breaking Bad (I’m a latecomer to the series, so I’m catching up) and I’m drinking a Rogue Dead Guy Ale and I think to myself — Why is it that we accept alcohol but not other drugs? And make no mistake, alcohol is a drug.

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The Romney-Ryan Roadside Campaign Sign Problem

So I’m driving to work today along the same highway I use every day to get to work and I see the same two Romney-Ryan signs in the grassy area between northbound and southbound traffic. These signs have been there since well before election day, possibly placed in the ground only days after Ryan was named as Romney’s running mate.

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