February 6, 2016
5 Wingnut GOP Predictions About Obama That Didn’t Happen
During Obama’s presidency, and especially if he was re-elected, the following 5 things should have happened by now, according wingnut conservatives.
February 6, 2016
During Obama’s presidency, and especially if he was re-elected, the following 5 things should have happened by now, according wingnut conservatives.
June 18, 2013
Trickle-down economics — It’s easy to say tax cuts lead to jobs and then offer no proof. It’s easy to say those at the top of the economic ladder are the job creators and then award them with tax cuts. But when do we analyze the data?
August 17, 2012
Mitt Romney and the rest of the Republican Party love a good story. They don’t have much concern for facts and accuracy, they just like a good story. And a good story to them is one that paints President Obama as dangerous and reckless for America. And nothing could be more reckless than a spending binge with tax payer dollars, right? Well, maybe. But did President Obama really go on a spending binge? Unfortunately reality has a way of intruding on the colorful stories Republicans tell.
August 16, 2012
Did that get your attention? Good, stay with me for a moment. — So we all know Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and every other beltway Republican is on record as saying the “stimulus” didn’t work. When we say stimulus, we are talking about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. This piece of legislation, passed in the first months of the Obama administration, contained tax incentives for companies, tax breaks for individuals, infrastructure investment, education funding, and more. Fully one-third of the “stimulus” was in the form of tax cuts.
August 9, 2012
There is a lot of nonsense bouncing around the conservative echo chamber. Below I present “facts” that conservatives love to repeat over and over even though they have no grounding in reality. And while this is clearly far from a complete list, it offers a glimpse into the fact-starved void that is the conservative bubble.
August 1, 2012
Yeah, I said it. You are poor because you aren’t working hard enough. You find yourself in poverty because you lack the work ethic of the rich and successful. You are a freeloader if you are on food stamps or unemployment insurance. Why don’t you get off your ass and find yourself a job already? I’m tired of your whining. I’m tired of my tax dollars being used to support your sorry ass. Stop being a drain on society and make something of yourself. You live in America, home of the American dream. If you aren’t wealthy, you only have yourself to blame.
July 26, 2012
Let’s face it, Republicans are much better at messaging. They’ve had decades of practice in what to say and how to say it to get their message across. To be certain it’s all style and no substance, but Republicans are really good at it. Republicans have a way of framing a solution to a (real or imagined) problem so that the public hears it and believes that it is a common sense approach to an apparently serious problem. But Republicans count on the thought process ending right there. If people do a little more research and consideration of all the facts, a lot of Republican “ideas” start to break down. I’ll give you two examples.
May 25, 2012
We already know the Republican narrative of “too much government regulation” and “a president that is hostile towards business and capitalism” is nonsense, but now we have even more evidence that Republicans are full of shit.
March 26, 2012
February 17, 2012