The Christian Right Wishes To Protect Intolerant ‘Religious’ Beliefs

There is great absurdity in calling “the left” intolerant, as it relates to the Duck Dynasty / Phil Robertson “story,” when the Christian right is masterful at employing intolerance by masquerading it as a protected religious belief. They wish to portray “the left” as being intolerant when liberals criticize hateful religious beliefs. If these religious beliefs were harmless, and if these religious beliefs were not discriminatory, then maybe, just maybe the Christian right would have a point. But if a Christian conservative vocally condemns an entire group of people based on sexual preference, or race, or anything else that is part of what makes them human, that is true intolerance, and they will rightfully be labeled a bigot.

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Some Conservatives Believe It’s A Bigger Crime To Be Labeled A Bigot, Than To Be A Bigot

Judging by all the crazy right-wing Facebook posts after A&E suspended Phil Robertson from “Duck Dynasty” (and if you don’t know what I’m talking about I say good for you!), it has become apparent there are many people who don’t understand that freedom of speech works both ways. You can say whatever you want, and anyone can say whatever they want in response. If you are criticized for comments you make, this criticism is not an infringement of your freedom of speech. And if the company you work for believes your comments are harmful to their business, they can suspend you or fire you unless they are explicitly doing so on religious or racial grounds. Sadly, they could legally fire you just for being gay or lesbian, but that’s for another day and another article.

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Catholic High School Teacher With 18 Years Tenure Fired After Telling Colleagues She Is Gay

At a faculty workshop at Totino-Grace Catholic High School in Fridley, Minnesota, Kristen Ostendorf told her colleagues “I’m gay, I’m in a relationship with a woman, and I’m happy.” She said the “make your mark” theme of the workshop combined with the firing of the school president (also gay) in July prompted her to come out to her co-workers. But the next day the school administration told her she must resign or face termination. She did not want to quit her job and so the school promptly fired her.

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Is The United States-Mexico Border Fence A Symbol Of Freedom Or Racism?

When I see images of the U.S.-Mexico border fence, I know I don’t think strength. I don’t think freedom. I don’t think liberty. I don’t think compassion. I don’t think empathy. No, when I see that fence, I think of oppressive regimes. Now, to be fair, those regimes usually build fences to keep people in, not out, but still, does a country that prides itself on freedom need a fortified border fence? And if so, why is there no such fence separating us from Canada?

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