Obama’s Presidency Led To Trump’s White Nationalist Populism

When the “Taxed Enough Already” protest signs started appearing just after Barack Obama’s first inauguration, we should have seen this coming. When those protest signs turned into a conservative political coalition called the Tea Party, we should have seen this coming. When Donald Trump presided over the “birther” freak show, we should have seen this coming.

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Does Trump Parallel Hitler’s Rise To Power?

Do you sometimes see a parallel between Donald Trump’s rise and Adolf Hitler’s rise? Shall I now pause and cringe, anticipating the boos & rotten tomatoes flying through the air? Yes, I know its become cliché to compare anyone contemporary to Hitler. But seriously, Donald Trump is spewing some extreme right-wing rhetoric during a time of economic uncertainty. His campaign appeals to “downtrodden” white people on issues they feel know are true without any supporting evidence, relying on stoked fears of the “other” who is infiltrating and ruining our once great nation.

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Not Even Gods Of War Can Kill Ideas With Bombs

Human beings understand that an idea can have formidable perseverance, when they agree with it. In fact, so fervently do people believe this, falling on one’s sword to protect the idea is considered an honorable exit from this terrestrial sphere. So, it goes without saying that human beings understand an idea can survive violence, even death — but again, only if they agree with the idea.

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Is The Term ‘Anchor Baby’ Offensive?

Donald Trump has repeatedly used the the term “anchor baby” on the Republican presidential campaign trail. But, is the term “anchor baby” offensive? I think that is the wrong question. And it’s especially the wrong question when asked of the purveyor.

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